1 Thessalonians 5:23 “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
As Paul wrote this to the Thessalonians, I write this for you. I pray this for you. Remember, we do not know the time of the hour. Seek the Lord, pray to him. You will know him, love him, and desire to do what he wills you to do. Through an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, I pray his word is revealed in your heart. That you may know how much he loves you and day by day you grow in closer union with him.
We have many gifts in this Holy Catholic Church. Receive them well, with an open heart and God shall lead you to his love and peace beyond understanding.
Remain hopeful in Christ Jesus, for this is the year dedicated to Hope.
Ruth Ellen
“It only takes a Spark to Get a Fire Going!” “The fire of God’s Love” (from the song Pass it On by Kurt Kaiser)
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